IPrint Express Pte Ltd

66 Kallang Pudding Road, #04-01, Singapore 349324

+65 6258 9595 / +65 6258 9895
+65 8809 9895

Monday - Friday: 9:30am - 6:30pm
Saturday / Sunday / Public Holiday: Closed




We accept the PDF to be submitted for processing.
Files should be separated into individual files.

Example: Namecard_Front.pdf + Namecard_Back.pdf
All individual files should be compressed (zip) together before submission.



All images/photos submitted in the artwork should be at least 300dpi for best results.
If provided with low resolution images, we will print out pixelated images.

For Illustrator: Embed links/images.
• We often receive files with missing images, please ensure that all images are embedded in your artwork before sending them for printing.


Artwork Size

Your artwork, it must be the size of the trimmed and finished print. All sizes should be in millimeters (mm).

Bleed Area: It is necessary to include a 2mm bleeding on each side for files. Without bleed, during the trimming process, a white edge will be left behind on the edge of your printed item. In order to avoid this, we use bleed, an overlap of no less than 2mm extending off the edge of the artwork to ensure that there will not be any white margins.

A4 prints artboard size = 210x297mm, bleed area = 214x301mm
A5 prints artboard size = 148x210mm, bleed area = 152x214mm

Trim Line: This line is the +/- 1.5mm trimming tolerance around your artwork where we will trim to your work to size.

Safe Area: It is a guideline for you to avoid your content from being trimmed off. Any critical information should be kept within this area.

Please note that the safe area for all artwork is 4mm on each side from the trim line.
Example: Trim Line = 90x54mm, Safe Area = 82x46mm


Color Specifications

• Our printing will be done with CMYK color mode.
• Do not submit files in RGB color mode as the colors are not achievable for the standard CMYK printing.

• To achieve better quality and accuracy of printing output, please provide all color in artworks to be CMYK color mode.
• Grey gradient shades on a white background is not advisable.
• All grey shades should be a single K30% and above.

For a solid black(s), please set your black to C50% M50% Y50% K100%. Do not set CMYK color mode to be more than 250%.

• When printing light colored lines, strokes or curves on a light-colored background, ensure that they are not thinner than 1pt.
• Likewise, if you are using dark colored lines on a dark background please ensure lines are also at least 1pt.
• All lines and strokes should not be thinner than 0.25pt



• Ensure that your fonts are at least 7pts and above. Text lower than 7pts may be visible on your screen but will not be printed out well.
• Fonts with thin strokes will be printed as faded text.
• Please note that light colored strokes of fonts and on a light-colored background should not be thinner than 1pt.
• Likewise, dark colored strokes of fonts on a dark colored background also should not be thinner than 1pt.
• All lines and strokes of fonts should not be thinner than 0.25pt.

This is an example of how type can appear if elements of font are missing and font substitution occurs



Spot UV

If your file(s) have any spot UV you are required to send an additional file indicating the specified parts.
The artwork must be in a separate file and should be a vector file via Illustrator. (See below)
Spot UV files should be in C0% M0% Y0% K100% Black and pathed. (Reference Fonts, for Illustrator on how to pathed your fonts for Spot UV)

If your spot UV has a stroke, ensure that the stroke is ‘Outlined’ like the (right) image.


Round Corners

If your file(s) have any Round Corners you are required to tick to choose the size of Round Corners as shown below and the number of edges:
• 4mm Round Corner
• 6mm Round Corner
• 8mm Round Corner

All round corners should be based on the front of the Name card
The price quoted is only applicable for Round Corner cutting.
During the trimming process for round corners, take note that round corners will not be cut exactly to what you see on screen.



Borders are discouraged from artwork as during the trimming process edges will be trimmed off and artwork may appear uneven.
If you are insistent on borders please note the following:
• There is +/- 1.5mm tolerance when trimming that will cause borders to look uneven.

Example: What you see (left) vs What you get (right)



If your work has folds, during submission, please indicate the desired folding (below) and the Front and Back of your work.

*Do take note that the costs for folding is not indicated on the website and you should call our hotline to let us know the extra costs to be topped up.

• If your artwork requires folding, please note that there is a folding tolerance.
• Please note that during folding on dark colors, products will have a white creasing line.

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